Cookie Policy

This portal, like most portals on the Internet, uses cookies to improve the user’s browsing experience. Cookies customize the services offered by the website, providing each user with information that may be of interest based on their use of this website. Below you will find information about what cookies are, what type of cookies this website uses, how you can disable cookies in your browser, or specifically disable the installation of third-party cookies and what happens if you disable them.


What are cookies?

Cookies are small files that some platforms, such as websites, can install on your computer, smartphone, tablet, or connected TV when you access them. Their functions can be very varied: storing your browsing preferences, collecting statistical information, allowing certain technical functionalities, storing and retrieving information about the browsing habits or preferences of a user or their equipment, to the extent that, sometimes, depending on the information they contain and how you use your equipment, they can recognize it. A cookie is stored on a computer to personalize and facilitate the user’s navigation to the maximum. Cookies are associated only with a user and their computer and do not provide references that allow deducing personal data from the user. The user can configure their browser to notify or reject the installation of cookies sent by the website.


Why are they important?

Cookies are useful for several reasons. From a technical point of view, they allow websites to work more quickly and adapted to the user’s preferences, such as storing their language or the currency of their country. They also help those responsible for websites to improve the services they offer, thanks to the statistical information they collect through them. Finally, they serve to make the advertising we show you more efficient, thanks to which we can offer you services for free.


How do we use cookies?

Browsing this website implies that the following types of cookies can be installed:


Performance cookies: This type of cookies retains your preferences for certain tools or services so that you do not have to reconfigure them every time you visit our portal, and in some cases, they can be provided by third parties. Some examples of this type of cookies are: adjusting the volume of audiovisual players, sorting preferences for articles, or compatible video playback speeds. In the case of e-commerce, they allow maintaining information about your shopping cart.


Statistical analysis cookies: These are cookies that, whether processed by us or by third parties, allow quantifying the number of visitors and statistically analyzing the use that users make of our services. Thanks to them, we can study the navigation of our website and thus improve the offer of products or services that we offer. These cookies will not be associated with any personal data that can identify the user, providing information about browsing behavior anonymously.


Geolocation cookies: These cookies are used by programs that try to geographically locate the position of the computer, smartphone, tablet, or connected TV, to offer you content and services more suitable in a completely anonymous way.


Registration cookies: These are cookies that identify you as a registered user and indicate when you have identified yourself on the website. These cookies are used to identify your user account and associated services, facilitating your navigation. These cookies are kept as long as you do not leave the account, close the browser, or turn off the device. These cookies can be used in combination with analytical data to individually identify your preferences on our portal.


Advertising cookies: These are cookies that, whether processed by us or by third parties, allow us to manage the advertising spaces on our website effectively, adapting the content of the ad to the content of the requested service or the use you make of our website. Thanks to it, we can know your internet browsing habits and show you advertising related to your browsing profile.


Other third-party cookies: On some of our pages, third-party cookies may be installed that allow managing and improving the services they offer. An example of this use is links to social networks that allow sharing our content.


How can I configure my preferences?

You can allow, block, or delete the cookies installed on your computer by configuring the options of your internet browser.


Here are links where you will find information on how you can activate your preferences in the main browsers:


Google Chrome


Mozilla Firefox


Internet Explorer




What happens if cookies are disabled?

In the case of blocking or not accepting the installation of cookies, certain services offered by our website that require their use may be disabled, and therefore, may not be available to you, so you will not be able to take full advantage of everything our websites and applications offer you. It is also possible that the quality of the operation of the website may decrease.


Acceptance of cookies

If you continue browsing after being informed about our Cookie Policy, we understand that you accept the use of cookies.


When accessing this website or application for the first time, you will see a window where you are informed about the use of cookies and where you can consult this cookie policy. If you consent to the use of cookies, continue browsing, or click on any link, it will be understood that you have consented to our cookie policy and, therefore, the installation of them on your computer or device.

What cookies are used on the ViaggioDeLuxe website?

Type of cookie


Third party


Records that the user has closed the cookie disclaimer. This confirms that the user has acknowledged the cookie notice.


Statistical Analysis

They are used to analyze and measure statistically the main routes and most viewed sections of the website. They also serve to identify the origin and from which page they visit us to see which advertising is more effective.

Google Analytics

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