Privacy Notice

The following Privacy Notice is made available to the HOLDER, in compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, as well as other applicable legal provisions.

The personal data provided to ViaggioDeLuxe is used for the provision of car buying and selling services, as well as for the promotion, marketing, and advertising of life insurance, car insurance, and self-financing.

ViaggioDeLuxe, with address at Calz. De Tlalpan 679, Col. Álamos, Alc, Benito Juarez. C.P. 03400, Mexico City. Mexico, is RESPONSIBLE for the processing of the personal data of the HOLDER who gives their consent to this notice. ViaggioDeLuxe, committed to observing the principles of legality, consent, information, quality, purpose, loyalty, proportionality, and responsibility in the processing of personal data and the rights of privacy and informational self-determination, states the following in this privacy notice:

1) The Company and/or Brand will treat your information and personal data as confidential and will maintain preventive measures aimed at protecting it against loss, misuse, unauthorized access, alteration, or destruction. It will not disclose it for any purpose other than that established in this Privacy Notice. Your information will be treated as confidential and will be managed for the time necessary to achieve the purposes mentioned in this Privacy Notice, which may be updated to reflect changes in our practices for collecting information, using information, and regarding security.

2) The personal data that ViaggioDeLuxe will process, including the obtaining, use, disclosure, or storage of such data by any means of access, handling, exploitation, transfer, or disposition, are those that you, as the HOLDER, have provided or will provide to ViaggioDeLuxe and those to which ViaggioDeLuxe has legitimately accessed for the purposes indicated below.

Some of the personal data referred to in this section are listed below:

– Name
– Email
– Phone number
– Company
– Date of Birth
– Credit or debit card information
– Address
– Work contact information, including phone, email, and other work-related data.
– Health status information.
– Any other personal data about you or your family.

The above list should be understood as illustrative, but not limiting, of the personal data that ViaggioDeLuxe will process, understanding that they are personal data of the same nature.

3) ViaggioDeLuxe informs you that the personal data of the holder will be processed by ViaggioDeLuxe and/or its affiliated or subsidiary companies, acting on behalf of ViaggioDeLuxe and third parties, different from ViaggioDeLuxe or the data subject, who must comply with this Privacy Notice.

4) The purposes of the processing of the HOLDER’s personal data by ViaggioDeLuxe are as follows, as well as all those that are analogous:

– Sending informative advertising related to the services provided.
– Information, administrative, and/or commercial purposes related to ViaggioDeLuxe.
– Service assessments.

5) By accessing this website and accepting this Privacy Notice, you, as the HOLDER, expressly grant ViaggioDeLuxe your consent for the national and international transfer of your personal data, provided that the recipient of the data assumes the same obligations as ViaggioDeLuxe. Likewise, ViaggioDeLuxe undertakes to transfer only the information necessary for the same purpose for which this notice is issued.

6) We may also share your information:

– When a government authority or various government officials responsible for enforcing the law request or reasonably require such information.
– When required by law or in response to any legal process.
– When reasonably necessary to conduct a legal investigation.

7) ViaggioDeLuxe will establish and maintain security measures, administrative, technical, and physical, to protect personal data against damage, loss, alteration, destruction, or unauthorized use, access, or treatment. These measures will not be less than those maintained by ViaggioDeLuxe for the handling of its own information.

8) Rights: In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law, you have the right to exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition (the “ARCO Rights”) of your information at any time, through a written request addressed to, who may request, for your protection and benefit, documentation that substantiates corrections to the data in case you request their rectification. You can request the cancellation of your personal data that ViaggioDeLuxe keeps. Likewise, you may limit the use and distribution of your personal data through a written request to the Company and/or Brand. However, it is possible that the Company and/or Brand may be required under applicable law to retain some or all of your personal data. It is important that the changes you intend to make to your personal data are correct, and data required to be retained by the Company and/or Brand under legal obligation or regulation will not be deleted.

The request must be submitted by the HOLDER or their legal representative, to the address mentioned above. The request must include:

– The full name of the HOLDER and address or another means to communicate the response, including email address.
– Documents proving your identity or that of the legal representative,
– A clear and precise description of the personal data regarding which you intend to exercise your rights,
– Any other element that facilitates the location of the personal data of the HOLDER. will inform the HOLDER within a maximum of 20 (twenty) natural days, counted from

the date of receiving the request for access, rectification, cancellation, or opposition, of the determination made, so that it becomes effective within the next 15 natural days. These periods may be extended by an equal period when, at the discretion of, the circumstances of the case justify it.

The right of access applies when the data subject wishes to know which of their personal data are held by ViaggioDeLuxe and the privacy notice applicable to them.

A request for access will be fulfilled by making available to the HOLDER or their representative, upon accreditation of their identity, the documents containing the required personal data, either by photocopies, a CD containing such information, a USB device, or any other means determined. The delivery of data will be free as long as the request for access is not repeated within a period of less than 12 months. The HOLDER will only cover the costs of reproduction in copies or other formats.

The HOLDER may rectify their personal data when they are inaccurate or incomplete, indicating in the rectification request the modifications to be made and providing ViaggioDeLuxe with the documentation supporting their request. If the HOLDER’s request is appropriate, ViaggioDeLuxe must inform the data processors and third parties of the changes, in case there have been data transfers under the terms of this Privacy Notice.

The right to cancellation consists of the deletion of the data and may be preceded by a blocking period during which the data cannot be processed. The cancellation of personal data will not proceed in cases provided by law.

The HOLDER will have the right at all times and for legitimate reasons to oppose the processing of their data. If the HOLDER’s request is appropriate, ViaggioDeLuxe cannot process the HOLDER’s data.

ViaggioDeLuxe may deny access to personal data, or carry out rectification or cancellation, or grant opposition when the applicant is not the HOLDER or the legal representative is not duly accredited for it, when the data subject’s personal data is not in their database, when the rights of a third party are violated, when there is a legal impediment or a resolution of a competent authority that restricts access to personal data or does not allow its rectification, cancellation, or opposition, and when the rectification, cancellation, or opposition has previously been performed.

9) In case changes are made to this Privacy Notice, ViaggioDeLuxe will inform the HOLDER through a written notification that will be published on the website if applicable, or through the email that the HOLDER has previously notified to ViaggioDeLuxe. If the HOLDER agrees with the modifications made to the Privacy Notice, they must deliver the document including such modifications, duly signed with attention to ViaggioDeLuxe within the next 5 business days.

10) Consent for the processing of personal data may be revoked by written notice that the HOLDER provides in writing, addressed to the email address indicated in this Privacy Notice, including the reasons for revoking consent.

11) ViaggioDeLuxe will process requests for access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition, a task that will be its responsibility, whose physical address is located at the address indicated at the beginning of this notice, and whose email for any questions or comments regarding this Privacy Notice has been previously indicated.

By providing us with your data, you acknowledge that you understand and accept the collection and transmission of your information and personal data by ViaggioDeLuxe as indicated in this Privacy Notice.

In compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law on Transparency and Access to Government Public Information, its regulation, as well as the guidelines for the protection of personal data, the following commitment is established:

The personal data entered in the contact form or managed by any other means to request a service and other necessary activities through individuals and legal entities will not be disclosed, distributed, or commercialized. They may only be provided to third parties in accordance with what is strictly indicated in Art. 22 of the Federal Law on Transparency and Access to Government Public Information, for which ViaggioDeLuxe undertakes to treat such information, in accordance with the principles of legality, quality, access, and correction of information, security, custody, and consent for its transmission, obeying exclusively.

The request for partial or total correction of personal data can only be made by the interested party, the owner of the data, or their duly accredited legal representative, in accordance with the provisions of the Guidelines for the Protection of Personal Data, which must be observed by the dependencies and entities of the Federal Public Administration in the reception, processing, processing, resolution, and notification of requests for correction of personal data made by individuals.

The information provided through the completion of forms on this page, emails, and/or by phone may be included in the reports prepared for monitoring ViaggioDeLuxe’s progress, which will be purely statistical and will not include information that allows individual identification. Personal data provided in the forms on the website, Facebook Fanpage, Instagram, or any other means of communication or contact of ViaggioDeLuxe will be protected in terms of articles 3, fraction II, 18, fraction II, 19, 20, fraction VI, 21, 22, and other correlatives of the Federal Law on Transparency and Access to Government Public Information, as well as articles 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 47, and 48 of its Regulation, and the Guidelines for the Protection of Personal Data.

ViaggioDeLuxe commits its personnel who have access to personal data in the exercise of their functions or involvement in any phase of processing, to maintain confidentiality regarding such information.

We reserve the right to subscribe all users to the newsletter. ViaggioDeLuxe will inform about any changes to the Privacy and Data Management Policy. It is suggested to visit this area of the site frequently to stay informed in a timely manner.

If there are any material changes to the type of information we collect or the way we use such information, we will obtain your permission before making any alterations.

ViaggioDeLuxe, CDMX January 2023.



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What rights do you have over your data?
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